quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2008

Convidado a sair

Notícia de Al Jazeera:

THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2008
11:35 MECCA TIME, 8:35 GMT

Nepal king asked to vacate palace

Nepal's King Gyanendra has been given 15 days to vacate his palace in Kathmandu after the country's new constituent assembly abolished the monarchy and declared Nepal a republic.
Near the convention centre in the capital where the assembly met, thousands of demonstrators gathered, some chanting "Long live the republic".
While the celebrations were largely joyous and peaceful, police at one point used tear gas to disperse a crowd that gathered too close to the building.

Não tenho nada com isso, mas no lugar de Gyanendra saía so palácio e do país, pelo menos por uns anos.

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