quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2009

Ser ou não ser celebridade

Notícia da CBS News (via Obama Dog e O País do Burro):

Bo Has Left The Building
Obama Discovers When You Hang Out With Celebrities, People Don't Always Notice You're There
April 26, 2009
Weekly commentary by CBS Evening News chief Washington correspondent and Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer.
[The president] told this story on himself: Late one evening he was walking the dog and some White House visitors with small children saw him.
"Look," said one of the kids, "it's Bo!"

Hehehe. Salvas as devidas distâncias, já me aconteceu passar férias num lugar onde rapidamente toda a gente passou a cumprimentar o meu cão pelo nome, embora ninguém soubesse o meu.

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