quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009


Notícia d'Al Jazeera:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
00:00 Mecca time, 21:00 GMT

Guantanamo's stateless losing hope
By Andrew Wander, a Reprieve Media Fellow
Around 60 of the remaining 229 prisoners cannot return to their countries of origin. While some are not welcome by their governments, others fear what will happen when they arrive.
Obama's efforts to persuade countries to offer a home to Guantanamo asylum-seekers have partly been hobbled by the political climate in the US, where congressmen have balked at the suggestion of bringing prisoners to their shores.
For many countries, the idea of taking Guantanamo prisoners while the US refuses to do the same is unacceptable.(...)
Lawyers for the remaining prisoners warn that as time runs out, Obama may attempt to return them to countries where they will not be safe.

É uma explicação da dificuldade em encerrar Guantanamo. Ainda nas palavras do autor do artigo, cada dia (...) aumenta os custos humanos de um sistema baseado numa contradição intrínseca - que mesmo que se seja considerado inocente, continua-se a ser tratado como se se fosse culpado.

E lá há julgamentos a sério. Aqui, graças ao estado da Justiça, todos somos considerados culpados, embora nos tratemos como inocentes.

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