sexta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2009

Não subestimar a avozinha

Notícia do Telegraph:

Teenage handbag thief outpaced by 72-year-old ex-sprinter
A teenage thief picked on the wrong victim when she tried to run off with a bag belonging to pensioner Jean Hirst - a former championship sprinter.
By Paul Stokes
Last Updated: 8:10AM GMT 13 Feb 2009

The schoolgirl was surprised to discover her victim, a former All England Schools championship sprinter, still had a turn of pace - at the age of 72.
As Mrs Hirst gave chase, she soon began to close on the culprit who was forced to throw down the bag in her desperation to escape.

Afinal fazer desporto parece ter a sua utilidade.

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