domingo, 27 de abril de 2008

Demasiadas leis

Lido no blog do parlamentar britânico John Redwood, onde cheguei através de diversos interpostos blogs:

Governments should assume honest conduct by citizens unless there is evidence to suppose otherwise, and should have a framework of sensible laws and requirements that most people most of the time respect and wish to follow. As soon as government becomes heavy handed and imposes too many laws – and too many laws that do not seem reasonable to the governed – there is more chance that more people will deliberately or inadvertently break them, and more likelihood that government will then intensify its snooping and heavy handed enforcement.

3 comentários:

DL disse...


Gi disse...

Isso também dizia Sherlock Holmes mas para o Dr. Watson não o era - e para quem nos desgoverna, daqui até Bruxelas, parece que também não é.
Obrigada pela visita, DL :-)

Van Dog disse...

Devia ser publicado em todo o lado, para ver se chega onde deve... ;)