sábado, 8 de novembro de 2008

O preço das pernas

Notícia do Telegraph:

Passengers to be charged for extra legroom
Tall airline passengers who ask for extra legroom when flying in economy class will be charged £40 for the privilege.
By Peter Allen
Last Updated: 7:56AM GMT 08 Nov 2008

Air France has become the first airline to introduce a supplement for the seats next to emergency exits or at the front of rows.
These are the ones without other seats immediately in front, meaning long legs can be stretched out.
Until now, experienced passengers have often been able to reserve the seats through nothing more than a polite request at check in.
Now, however, they will be sold, with surcharges payable online or in phone bookings.
The idea is likely to be copied by many other airlines, as their industry struggles in the harsh economic climate.

Em tempos li a história duma rapariga que queria por força ser modelo e para isso convenceu um cirurgião a fracturar-lhe as pernas e colocar aparelhos para as tornar mais compridas (sim, é possível, mas bastante arriscado e eu não o faria por motivo tão idiota).
Agora o pessoal vai passar a pedir pernas mais curtas?

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